Tree species selection, growth rate, wood basic density, stem formAbstract
Chen SX, Wu Zh, Li Zh, Xie Yj, Li Th, Zhou Qy & Arnold R. 2010. Selection of species for solid wood production in southern China. Seven eucalypt species and Acacia mangium from a species trial in southern China were assessed for growth, stem form and wood properties at age 6 years. Differences in growth were highly significant for mean tree volume with the order Eucalyptus urophylla > E. cloeziana > A. mangium > E. grandis > E. urophylla × grandis > E. saligna > E. pellita > E. torelliana. There were also significant differences between species for stem form, height to first live branch and stem straightness. Positive correlations were found between height to first live branch and stem straightness. Pilodyn was used to assess variation in wood density and Fakopp was used to indirectly assess modulus of elasticity (MOE). Eucalyptus cloeziana had the highest wood density and MOE, while E. grandis had the lowest wood density and E. torelliana, the lowest MOE. With regard to growth, stem form and wood properties at age 6 years, the order of species for the purpose of conversion of logs into solid wood products was E. cloeziana > E. urophylla × grandis > E. urophylla > E. pellita > A. mangium > E. grandis > E. saligna > E. torelliana.