Wood substitute, number of layers, tannin resorcinol formaldehyde, bonding strengthAbstract
SULASTININGSIH IM & NURWATI. 2009. Physical and mechanical properties of laminated bamboo board. This study investigated the potential of laminated bamboo board (LBB) as a wood substitute, with particular focus on the effects of bamboo species and number of layers on its physical and mechanical properties. The bamboo species used in these tests were Gigantochloa apus and Gigantochloa robusta collected from private gardens in West Java. Results showed that the density of LBB varied from 0.71−0.75 g cm-3. The MOR and MOE of LBB which ranged from 393.7−969.4 kg cm-2 and 74 100−102 290 kg cm-2 respectively were affected by the number of layers; they decreased as number of layers increased. No delamination occurred in all samples using tannin resorcinol formaldehyde glue, indicating high bonding quality. The average bonding strength (dry test) of LBB made from G. robusta was higher (55.8 kg cm-2) than that of G. apus (40.8 kg cm-2).
Three-layer thick LBB had comparable strength to wood strength class II while five-layer board, to class IV. LBB provides an alternative wood source for furniture, interior design and building materials. Developing LBB industry can reduce the rate of logging activity as well as fulfil wood shortages.