Timber, growth, wood structure, light hardwood, density, usesAbstract
ANI, S. & AMINAH, H. 2006. Plantation timber of Maesopsis eminii. Maesopsis eminii (family Rhamnaceae)
is a light hardwood timber species. The trees have whitish bole that are straight and cylindrical when grown
in plantation and tend to lean towards sunlight when found to grow among other tree species. The sapwood
is almost white in colour and the heartwood yellowish when freshly cut, darkening to golden brown or dark
brown on exposure. The texture of wood is moderately coarse and even, with interlocked grain that produces
a clear figure on quarter-sawn surfaces. The timber air-dry density at 15% moisture content of a 42-
year-old tree was found to be 640–720 kg m–3 and that of a 6-year-old tree, 575–644 kg m–3. Its density suggests
that the timber is useful for general utility and other purposes.