Nurse plant, subtropical degraded shrubland, woody plant, restoration, reforestationAbstract
Liu N, Ren H, Yang L, Yuan SF, Wang J & Sun ZY. 2012. Interactions between native tree species and a dominant shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa. A study was carried out on degraded hilly land in South China to reveal the interspecific relationships between the shrub Rhodomyrtus tomentosa and four target tree species over time. The 3-year experiment showed that the shrub selectively improved or inhibited seedling growth. The photosynthetic performances of target tree species were altered by the nursing effect of the shrub in terms of photosynthesis–light response curves and showed maximum photosynthetic rates and stomatal conductance. Shrub interactions with all the target tree species were commensal (+0, for target and shrub) in year 1 but maintained or changed to amensal (-0) or antagonism (+-) along with the ontogenesis of different target tree species. The poor growth of Pinus elliottii and Michelia macclurei seedlings in the presence of the shrub indicated that they had lower potential to become forest restoration target tree species. In contrast, Schima superba was facilitated by the shrub in years 1–3 and inhibited the shrub in year 3, indicating that it had substantial potential to replace shrubs and trigger reforestation. selection and silvicultural techniques of target tree species were both important in forest restoration.