Epicormic shoot, partial rejuvenation, ageing, juvenility, maturation, plagiotropic, topophysisAbstract
JONG LK & SANI HB. 2012. Alternative clonal propagation of Dryobalanops beccarii and D. rappa. Application of rooted cuttings derived from epicormic shoots from mature trees of Dryobalanops beccarii and D. rappa in current tree propagation and improvement programmes is suggested and discussed. Development of epicormic shoot indicated partial rejuvenation which was exhibited by plagiotropic growth habit, adult leaf morphology and delayed bud flushing of rooted cuttings. The juvenility of epicormic shoots showed that the ‘ageing’ component of cyclophysis had been reversed by the ‘maturation’ component which remained
unaltered. The incomplete rejuvenation was further demonstrated by poor rooting of cuttings derived from epicormic shoots. The potential of using these characteristics as possible markers of juvenility and maturity
is also discussed. Cuttings derived from epicormic shoots from the stump of D. beccarii and D. rappa rooted more readily than those from other parts of the tree bole. It was suggested that epicormic shoots obtained
from stumps were more juvenile than those from upper part of the stem. This phenomenon, described as topophysis, supported the theory that maturation occurred in different phases.