Rubberwood, pyrolysis, decomposition, condensate, gases, volatile degradation productsAbstract
The thermal degradation or pyrolysis of rubberwood in an inert environment was studied by monitoring the weight of its sample heated at 5.5° C min-1 and analysing the decomposition products collected. The weight loss of the sample was gradual from 150°Cto 280° C, fairly rapid from 280° C to 330° C, rapid from 330° C to 370° C and gradual again above 370° C. More than 70% of the sample's weight loss occurred between 280° C and 370° C. The decomposition products collected up to a temperature of 550° C, when most of pyrolysis reactions have been completed, consisted of 57% condensate, 27% char and 16% gases, based on over-dried wood. The gaseous fraction was composed of around 55% carbon dioxide, 32% carbon monoxide and 13% methane, on a volume basis. Most of the volatile products were released between 280° Cand 400° C. The condensate contained water, tar, acetic acid, methanol and other compounds.