Allelopathy, Leucaena leaf mulch, litter, phenolics, growth performanceAbstract
Allelopathic effect of leaves and litter of Leucaena leucocepahala was examined on Zea mays through various greenhouse and laboratory studies. The extracts of dried leaves as well as litter were found to be inhibitory to germination and seedling growth of Z. mays under laboratory conditions. Further, the amendment of leaf powder and litter in the soil as mulch or soil mixture caused detrimental effect on root and shoot growth and biomass which increased with increase in the amount of litter/leaf powder applied. The inhibitory effect was greater when the material was amended as soil mixture. Litter was found to be more inhibitory than leaf powder in both laboratory and greenhouse studies. The amount of phenolics (a well known allelochemical group) was determined from different soil horizons under Leucaena plantations as well as its leaves. Maximum amount was found in leaves followed by the A₀₀-soil horizon containing partially degraded leaf litter of Leucaena.